Imagine your future in 2025

We are entering peak American election season. It is all we will be hearing about for the next 2 months and certainly feels it is all we have heard about all year. It can be easy to want to ignore or have false hopes about the choices given to us. One side has made it clear in a document entitled Project 2025.

Donald Trump claims he knows nothing about Project 2025, when over 140 people who have worked for him are involved. The document is created by the Heritage Foundation which first saw success in Ronald Reagan’s presidency in advocating for extreme position. It is a detailed plan for a dystopian Republican presidency.

The document is 922 pages long. So I won’t cover all the details. This is a roadmap for a conservative and Republican presidency. It isn’t about Donald Trump and his desire for a dictatorship. However, he certainly will enable it. Here are some key points:

Dismantle the Administrative State

  • Reduce the size and scope of the federal government. Reduce or eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency, Homeland Security, and Department of Education.
  • Fire ‘left-wing experts’.
  • Reclassify civil servants as political employees.


  • Reverse approval of abortion drugs.
  • Prohibit abortion drugs by mail.

LGBTQ+ rights

  • Delete the terms ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘diversity equity and inclusion’ from all federal laws and regulations.
  • Those who propagate transgender ideology should be imprisoned and classed as sex offenders.
  • Rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics. 

It doesn’t end there. It truly is a troubling document with ideas such as ending all economic engagement with China, which is quite ironic since it was Republican presidents such as Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan that heavily increased engagement with China. They want to control so much of government in regards to your rights but to remove all restrictions for giant corporations in terms of dismantling the administrative state. The effect will be a removal of regulations that protect consumers and the environment. Those are those ‘left-wing experts’ they are talking about.

The fact is that one side is choosing extremist policies. They claim they want freedom and to restore America. Meanwhile they are working hard to remove American freedoms such as workers rights, environmental protections, woman’s rights, consumer protection, and LGBTQ+ rights. In the United Kingdom and France, the center and the left joined together to defeat the far right. We must do the same on Tuesday November 5th, 2024. We must elect Democrats and Kamala Harris.

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